Only Up FAQ


Why is Only Up No Longer Available on Steam?

"Only Up" was a popular indie game that recently vanished from digital storefronts, leaving fans puzzled and disappointed. The primary reason for its removal is tied to legal and licensing issues. The game featured various assets and music that were not fully licensed or were used without proper permissions, leading to intellectual property disputes. Consequently, the developers decided to pull the game from sale to address these issues and possibly rework the content to comply with legal standards. This incident serves as a reminder of the complexities and importance of adhering to intellectual property laws in game development.

What is the Story of Only Up?

"Only Up" is a unique and captivating indie game that combines platforming with narrative elements. The game's story centers around a young protagonist named Jackie, who embarks on a surreal journey through a vertically sprawling world. As players guide Jackie upwards, they encounter various environments that reflect his internal struggles and personal growth. The narrative unfolds through environmental storytelling and brief interactions, creating an introspective experience that explores themes of perseverance, self-discovery, and overcoming obstacles. The title "Only Up" encapsulates the game's core mechanic and metaphorical ascent towards self-improvement.


How Long Does It Take to Beat Only Up?

The time it takes to complete "Only Up" can vary significantly depending on the player's skill level and familiarity with platforming games. On average, players can expect to spend anywhere from 3 to 5 hours to reach the game's conclusion. However, for those who are adept at platforming or speedrunning, it might take as little as 1 to 2 hours. Conversely, players who take their time to explore the environments and fully immerse themselves in the narrative might take longer, extending their playtime to around 6 to 8 hours. The game's challenge and replayability make it appealing for both casual players and dedicated gamers alike.

Is Only Up 2 Coming Out?

Yes, "Only Up 2" was released on December 18, 2023, much to the delight of fans of the original game. The sequel promises to build on the foundation of its predecessor, introducing new environments, challenges, and narrative elements. Early reviews suggest that "Only Up 2" has successfully captured the spirit of the original while adding fresh content and improvements. Players can expect a more polished experience that continues to explore the themes of perseverance and self-discovery that made the first game so compelling.


Who Made Only Up Popular?

"Only Up" gained significant traction and popularity largely due to the support of influential content creators and streamers. Popular YouTubers and Twitch streamers who specialize in indie games and unique gaming experiences showcased "Only Up" to their large audiences, generating buzz and interest. Their engaging playthroughs, combined with positive word-of-mouth recommendations, helped the game reach a wider audience quickly. The game's distinctive mechanics and emotional storytelling resonated with both players and viewers, solidifying its status as a standout indie title in the gaming community.