What are the rules to UNO?

UNO is a popular card game that can be played by 2 to 10 players. The objective is to be the first player to score 500 points, achieved by playing all of your cards and scoring points based on the cards left in your opponents' hands. Here are the basic rules:

  1. Each player is dealt 7 cards, with the remaining cards placed face-down to form a draw pile.

  2. The top card of the draw pile is turned over to start the discard pile.

  3. Players take turns matching a card from their hand to the card on the discard pile by either color or number.

  4. Special action cards like Skip, Reverse, Draw Two, Wild, and Wild Draw Four add strategic elements to the game.

  5. When a player has one card left, they must shout "UNO!" If they fail to do so and are caught, they must draw two cards as a penalty.

  6. The first player to play all their cards wins the round, and the points are tallied from the remaining cards in the opponents' hands.

  7. The game continues until a player reaches 500 points.

UNO can be played for free here.

What is the 7 rule in UNO?

The "7 rule" in UNO is a house rule, not part of the official game rules. According to this rule, when a player plays a 7, they must swap hands with another player of their choice. This rule adds an extra layer of strategy and unpredictability to the game, making it more exciting and challenging.
UNO can be played for free here.

Can two people play UNO?

Yes, two people can play UNO. The game is adaptable for different numbers of players, including just two. The basic rules remain the same, although the dynamic is different compared to playing with a larger group. With only two players, the game can become more strategic and competitive.
UNO can be played for free here.

Can you put a +2 on a +2?

According to the official UNO rules, you cannot stack Draw Two cards. If a Draw Two card is played, the next player must draw two cards and forfeit their turn. However, house rules often vary, and some groups allow stacking of Draw Two cards, meaning if a player puts down a Draw Two, the next player can put down another Draw Two, and the next player must draw four cards, and so on. Always clarify house rules before starting the game.
UNO can be played for free here.

What is the 69 rule in UNO?

The "69 rule" in UNO is a house rule that adds a fun twist to the game. According to this rule:

  1. Players can match 6's with 9's and 9's with 6's as long as they are the same color.

  2. Additionally, if half the table (rounding down, minimum 3 players) participates in a 6/9 match-up, everyone can dump as many cards as they want from their hands that are the same color as the 6's and 9's. This "Color Crazy" rule adds an extra layer of strategy and excitement to the game, allowing for unexpected turns and quick changes in gameplay.

UNO can be played for free here.

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